The Importance of Belonging

“A sense of belonging,” writes Dr. Kenneth Pelletier of the Stanford Center for Research and Disease Prevention “appears to be a basic human need—as basic as food and shelter. In fact, social support may be one of the critical elements distinguishing those who remain healthy from those who become ill.” We think this is even more critical in times of stress, e.g., entering or re-entering the job market, unemployed, underemployed, unhappily employed or seeking to be more proactive in controlling your career.

Career Clubs provide the structure and processes to support you during these times of stress. Through the various meetings with a like minded group of peers you will focus on your strengths not your weakness, what you can do versus what you can’t do, what is right with you versus what may be wrong. Others will empathetically listen to your stories and concerns. Your club members will partner with you to help you discover and define your career plans and strategies. All this in an environment where it is safe to be yourself, a place to “belong.”

Pelletier, K. (1994). Sound mind, sound body: A new model for life-long health. New York: Simon and Shuster.