Test Your Job Interview Skills

Matt M. Starcevich, Ph.D. and Joe Howie, J.D.
(For individual use only, not to be reproduced or distributed without written permission.)
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Your next job interview could be the most important half hour of your career. This quiz helps you determine if you are prepared for a successful job interview.


What is the purpose of the job interview?

What is the best way to respond to the request, "Tell me about yourself?"

How should you respond to the request, "Tell me about your accomplishments or abilities?"

When talking about yourself during the interview, you should:

How should you respond to the question, "What are your goals?"

What is the best way to respond to the question: "Why do you want this job?"

Which of the following is the most important information you need to find out during the interview?

You have just been asked about an event in your life that you would rather not discuss, e.g., an arrest, bad credit, or failed courses. How do you respond?

When is the best time to ask about or to respond to questions about the compensation package?

What is the most important information that you need about the people you will be working with, your manager and colleagues?
