"Are You Ready To Manage In The 21st. Century?"
Matt M. Starcevich, Ph.D.
(For individual use only, not to be reproduced or distributed without permission)
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Today’s managers face rapidly changing conditions--flatter organizations, virtual teams, doing more with less, temporary structures, employees with different values and life-work style preferences. How effective these managers manage spells the difference between the profitable and the also ran organizations. Are you or your managers making the adjustment and transition to this new role, these new demands or, are you stuck in the past?
Although not exhaustive, this quiz tests eleven important skills for contemporary managers by assessing the degree to which you practice these skills. The more honest you are in this self evaluation the more valuable the results for your growth and development or, the growth and development of the managers in your organization.
To what extent would others describe you in each of these eleven skills areas:
Inspiring trust through ethical behavior, shows consistency between principles, values, and behavior, is authentic. Consistently lives, breathes, and expresses their principles in all that they do.
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