1. Others know my values because I often talk about them and my actions are a living example of what I believe
2. You assure that those making hiring decisions know the character qualities of the people who will fit in the organization.
3. Others know my values because I often talk about them and my actions are a living example of what I believe
4. Others would rate your humility as one of your strong character traits.
5. You maintain balance between all the stake holders’ goals so that no one group dominates.
6. You have a formal process for getting regular feedback from your direct reports on your leadership practices.
7. You believe in teaching by example.
8. You communicate to our employees at least four times a year the organizations values with examples of how these effect one’s actions with others.
9. One measure you maintain to evaluate that we are hiring the right type of people is the length of their tenure with the organization.
10. You challenge others to move outside of their comfort zone by taking on jobs outside their functional areas of expertise.
11. It is more important to you that others get the recognition not yourself.
12. You are accountable to all stake holders: employees, investors, customers, suppliers, communities and partners.
13. Your board provides you an annual review of both your business and leadership practices.
14. You engage in at least one event every year for your personal growth and development.
15. You involve employees in defining the organizations values, they not only know them, they own them.
16. You want all employees to be evaluated at least annually on their performance and how well they live the organizations values.
17. Your approach to developing leaders is to ask others to move around, stretch, fail, learn and grow.
18. Others would say you are more comfortable just listening to others and asking questions than talking.
19. You focus on both the long term and the short term results.
20. You spend a significant amount of your time out in the organization finding out what is on people’s minds.
21. Others would say you use questions to increase mutual understanding and learning not to put people on the spot or embarrass them.
22. The organizations core values are part of the orientation new employees receive; all employees receive yearly training to reinforce those values.
23. You do not tolerate employees who do not subscribe to the organizations values regardless of their level of performance—it is a condition of employment.
24. You spend a lot of time studying and getting to know your employees.
25. You believe in letting others lights shine versus your own.
26. You work toward all stakeholders being in alignment with the vision, mission and values of the organization.
27. You encourage differing opinions and discourage “yes” people around you.
28. Your goal is to deliver, in multiple ways, open and transparent communications.
29. You often think about how consistent your actions are with the organizations values.
30. You believe that how well a person subscribes to the organizations values is as important as their level of performance.
31. You devote a significant amount of your time identifying leadership talent.
32. People would describe you as down to earth, genuine, a regular person.
33. You strive to do the right thing even if this has a short-term adverse effect on profits.
34. You are committed to knowing how you are impacting the organization.
35. You personally encourage others to reflect on what they can learn from major decisions made in the organization.
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