Principles of Effective Career Planning
The processes and tools for career planning are time tested and proven. What is needed is the personal conviction and discipline to work the process. Conviction and discipline is reinforced by Career Club’s eight personal principles or beliefs that are central to the entire effort.
Effective Career Planning:
- Is my responsibility. We owe it to ourselves and our families to make the most of our strengths. It’s not our employers responsibility or the government’s or a school’s or anybody else’s job to plan our careers.
- Is an on-going process. Developing options, setting and reaching goals and building networks of contacts are not done well in a crisis mode.
- Builds on strengths. We will typically earn the most doing what we do best and we need to know what those strengths are and be able to communicate them effectively.
- Delivers employer value. Employers hire and pay the most for people who can help them the most; we need to be able to persuade them that we’re the ones who can provide that help.
- Is group-powered. Groups provide the widest insight into developing and evaluating career options; they also provide a supportive setting to practice job skills – no man is an island!
- Builds networks of contacts. Most jobs are found through people we know – it only makes sense to develop a network of people who can help us.
- Accommodates my preferences. Career planning is not a cookie-cutter process; we need to be aware of our personal preferences in a variety of areas and find ways to accommodate them.
- Requires flexibility and adaptability. With changes in technology and global competition, entire industries or jobs can go away; there are no career guarantees, we need to be flexible and adaptable.