A process of building a mutually beneficial partnership to help develop the skills, behaviors and insights to reach the partners goals which the mentor has no stake in the outcomes.
This book is about helping mentors implement a change process with their Partner. At the heart is articulating and defining the Partner’s Potential Self and Current Self then building plans to become their Potential Self. Supportive Tools and Processes are provided the pair to guide them step by step through the journey. The emphasis is on the Mentor playing the role our research supports of guided self-discovery. Ebook format $4.95.
Mentoring on Talents and Strengths–only $4.95 eBook format
A fifty-seven page workbook with a number of suggested activities and forms. Move from “Deficiency Mentoring” to “Appreciative Mentoring.” A strength-based approach based on the assumption that our greatest opportunities for growth and improvement are represented by our strengths and passions. Help unleash existing talents and strengths instead of trying to improve on weaknesses. Coaches deal with deficits, mentors with talents.
Our most popular workbook–only $4.95 eBook format
A thirty-eight page “hands on” workbook that takes you and your mentoring partner through the phases of establishing and maintaining a productive and satisfying mentoring relationship. Complete set of exercises and worksheets are provided, all you do is fill in the information then dialogue with your partner. To see a sample list of clients using the Handbook and related Mentoring Tools, click here.
If appropriate, we can customized with your organization’s logo and introductory remarks.
Three supporting tools:
Mentoring Partnership Audit (MA) 10 pages, $3.95
A self-scoring feedback tool which evaluates the extent to which both the Mentor and Partner engage in critical behaviors for nine areas that support the mentoring partnership. Each packet contains one audit for the Mentor and Partner, self-scoring sheets, analysis forms and suggestions for productively utilizing the feedback for a constructive planning discussion. This packet identifies strengths and the improvements needed to make the mentoring partnership relationship even stronger. Contact us to order.
Learning Preferences & Targeted Mentoring (LP) 18 pages, $4.95
Mentoring is the oldest form of human learning. If your mentoring partner just doesn’t get it when you try to explain something or offer insight the answer may be that you each have different learning preferences. The Learning Preference Index (LPI) which is completed by both Mentor and Partner evaluates the way each learns. The pamphlet provides real examples and hands-on exercises to target mentoring activities to the unique learning preferences of the Partner. It can be used by two people or during a training program to improve mentoring effectiveness. The mentoring tool reinforces a cooperative/collaborative learning process between Mentor and their Partner. Contact us to order.
Mentoring: The Art of Questioning (MQ) 6 pages, $2.95
To mentor is to teach, to help another person learn. Ask any teacher how he or she teaches and, chances are the answer is, “By asking questions.” However questioning is not a natural skill and often the mentor assumes or is elevated by the partner to the role of “expert” and falls into a “tell” approach to mentoring. Accepting information, statements, or propositions is passive. To learn and internalize the learning requires active questioning. This pamphlet provides a proven model to help the mentor ask questions that require thinking in ten core areas. Sample questions are also given in each of the ten core areas. Using this model will also help the partner learn the skills of questioning and in depth thinking. Contact us to order.