Matt M. Starcevich, Ph.D.
Founder and CEO, Center for Coaching & Mentoring

Matt began his career as an Assistant Professor of Management at The University of Notre Dame. After three years of teaching and research, his interest in the application of leadership, individual and group theory led him to positions as the Director of Organization Development for G. D. Searle, Phillips Petroleum, and Rexnord. He also served as a Board of Trustee for Northeastern Oklahoma Electric Cooperative. With both theoretical and practical experience he has, since 1978, consulted with both large and small corporations, school systems and non-profit organizations including:

Federal Express Koch Industries
Boy Scouts of America Chevron
FAA Exxon
Amoco Pacific Gas and Electric
Bank of Montreal Bell Canada
Conoco-Phillips Petroleum Canada Post
Kaiser Permanente Williams Companies
Ameritech Nova SE University
Monsanto Boeing.
Enbridge Energy Association for the Advancement of Cost Engineering

Matt enjoys facilitating leadership and team building workshops. He also enjoys designing unique and specialized learning experiences such as outdoor experiential learning, simulations, customized video productions, and case studies. Central to his work is simplifying the complex arena of individual and group research and theory in an understandable, practical, and useable manner.

Matt has published articles in The Journal of Applied PsychologyPersonnel PsychologyHuman Resource PlanningAmerican Society for Training and Development (ASTD) and Hospital Progress. He has written eight books:

  • Introduction To Business: A Systems Approach,
  • The Coach: Creating Partnerships For A Competitive Edge,
  • Teamwork: We Have Met The Enemy And They Are Us, and,
  • Win-Win Partnerships: Be On The Leading Edge With Synergistic Coaching,
  • 7 Difference-Making Leadership Behaviors,
  • Developing 7 Difference-Making Leadership Behaviors Workbook,
  • Mentoring Partner’s Handbook,
  • Mentors: Bridging to The Future.

He has been a frequent presenter at the International American Society For Training and Development. Matt has a doctoral degree from The University of Oklahoma, a Masters In Business Administration for Northern Illinois University, and A Bachelor’s degree in Economics from Western Illinois University. He is listed in Who’s Who in the Southwest, Who’s Who in Science, and received ASTD’s Organization Development Practitioner of The Year Award in 1989.

Matt and his wife Judy live in Oklahoma. He enjoys golfing, motorcycling, and training dogs.